LEAF Open Farm Sunday 2019

Posted: Monday, June 10, 2019

The Jersey Royal Company is proud to host the most southerly Open Farm event, and has done for five years.

This year we again gave visitors a chance to learn about farming from a field perspective as well as offering tours of the pack house.

Lots of tractors and other kit are on display, such as this crawler that is used to mark the rows for planting.

The year as a new addition, there was a specific area talking about soil management. The company uses a quad bike with GPS to take samples from all of its fields. These are tested for PCN as well as for nutrient analysis.

Picking a free sample of potatoes to take home is always a popular event, as is taking a ride on a harvester.

We included a marquee with stands including 'Action for Cleaner Water' as well as other areas explaining how the company is embracing technology with digital projects, artificial intelligence, vehicle monitoring and visual reality tours.

Pack house tours also prove to be popular, and have to be booked on the day.

Whilst the event is free to attend, this year we did a collection on exit for our chosen charity of 2019 - https://www.clicsargentjersey.org.je/