Open Farm Sunday 2018

Posted: Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Jersey Royal Company ran its 3rd version of Open Farm Sunday this year, and is the only farming business in the Channel Islands that takes part in this national event, making it the most southerly one in the British Isles!

Open Farm Sunday builds on its success year after year across the whole of the British Isles.

Coordinated by the charity LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming), the initiative encourages farmers to invite the general public to learn a bit more about the industry and the food produced.

The Jersey Royal Company has seen more visitors attend each year to this free event. There is a display of machinery, and people young and old are encouraged to climb aboard for a selfie on a tractor!

Potato picking is one of the most popular events, especially with the youngsters, all eager to pick and take home a free 'feed' for supper.

Harvester rides are also popular.

As are pack house tours.

Following each tour everyone has a chance to sample a few Jersey Royals.

We'll definitely be back next year, so save the date - Sunday 9th June.